Portable Dew Point Analyzer 2000DDD Pro


Portable Dew Point Analyzer 2000DDD Pro

Endee markets a full range of Hygrometers using state-of-the-art Electronics to the Standards & Specifications of MOISTURE SENSORS. They incorporate the most accepted & highly reliable, accurate, fast, stable and long life SENSORS having unique AUTOMATIC calibration feature and are equipped with Single or Dual Alarms, adjustable over the complete range. They are ideal for rapid check or Continuous Online Analysis of Dew Point or Moisture content of air or Gas in Dryers or Industrial Processes.

  • Direct digital indication – no charts or graphs
  • Portable & continuous online
  • Accurate to 1 ppm moisture
  • Overall range – 110°c to 20°c
  • For high pressure vacuum, general & hazardous area applications
  • With unique automatic calibration feature requires nothing but
  • Room air for calibration

The most important feature of the Sensors system is the Automatic Calibration Facility. Each sensor is precisely manufactured so as to saturate with water vapour at its design maximum. Hence when the sensor is exposed to moisture above its maximum operating range, it will rapidly come into equilibrium at its design maximum and cease to respond to any further moisture. This forms the basis of Automatic Calibration.

The Sensor can be calibrated by simply exposing the sensor to any atmosphere which is “wetter” than the operating range of the sensor (Room Air is sufficient) and adjusting the Calibration control on the front panel of the instrument to display the maximum range. The sensor is Re calibrated and ready to use.

Re calibrations can be carried out Insitu and without taking recourse to any special equipment or skilled personnel. The net result is reduced downtime. Minimum Calibration costs & immediate verification of the system.


SensorHigh Capacitance Aluminum Oxide, Intrinsically safe certified
Sensor GuardSintered Bronze
Sensor Mounting14mmX12.5mm STD. Auto Thread
Sensor Active Length76.2 mm
Sensor Overall Length143 m
Electrical ConnectionStandard TV Socket
Minimum Resolution0.1°C for Dew Point
(Digital Display)01 PPM for Moisture
Flow Rate to Sensor2 to 5 LPM (Optimum)
Maximum Operating Pressure340 bar
Warm Up.< 60 Seconds
Operating Temperature0 to 50°C
Repeatability0.3°C Dew Point
Automatic CalibrationPotentiometric Adjustment on Front of Panel
Typical Response TimeWet to Dry – (23000 to 100 PPM) : < 40 seconds
Dry to Wet – (100 to 23000 PPM) : <10 seconds
Display3 1/2 Digit LED/LCD or 4” Precision Analogue Meter
Power240 V or 110 V AC or 12 V Dry Cells or Rechargeable Batteries with charger
AlarmsOne (wet) adjustable over range
Two (wet & dry) adjustable over range
HousingIP 65


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